Concrete is generally one of the easiest surfaces to maintain and care for over long periods. But untreated concrete can get dingy quickly and show all sorts of stains, from rust and mildew to oil and tire stains. Once Carolina Concrete Medic resurfaces a concrete driveway, basement, patio, or other surface, we give our clients a brief overview on how to care for the resurfaced concrete to keep it looking new forever.

The wonderful thing about caring for concrete that’s undergone resurfacing is the ease of care.

Step 1

Blow and/or sweep the area to clear debris.

Step 2

Rinse the surface with a garden hose or power washer.

Step 3

Mix a little liquid dish or laundry detergent with a small amount of bleach. Spread it with a broom or gentle pressure wash. Let it sit for a while, and then rinse using the small tip with normal pressure from your pressure washer or use a garden hose.

Step 4

If there are more persistent stains, get a stiff nylon hand brush and a concentrated mixture of liquid detergent and water. Pour your mixture right on the stain and then scrub the area. Rinse away the soap and let the area dry.

What if my stains remain after the scrubbing?

If you have tough stains, increase the power of your cleaning solution by mixing white vinegar with a bit of water. You can also mix baking soda and water for a more intense solution.

Just as with the soap, get a nylon brush and give it a scrub, followed by rinsing with a garden hose or power washer.

Carolina Concrete Medic offers many applications for surfaces like driveways, patios, porches, pool decks, etc. Our most popular outdoor application is a quartz coating system that utilizes our polyprotic coating. It offers a subtle, consistent appearance and comes in various popular color options.

Carolina Concrete Medic

